5 Essential Guidelines

5 Essential Guidelines For Optimizing The Effectiveness Of The Kelpatch Seaweed Body Wraps, Mask And Patches

Seaweed Body Mask and Patches serves as an amazing remedy for combating cellulite, enhancing skin smoothness, augmenting skin nutrition, and facilitating overall rejuvenation.

 It's important to note that no single application of any skincare product accomplishes these outcomes.

However, good news! Following the five tips below will most certainly give you visible results.

Tip 1: Pre-Application Physical Activity

20 minutes of physical activity prior to applying the mask will help bolster general blood circulation (a super beneficial thing). Activities such as running, jumping rope, or cycling are recommended.

Tip 2: Targeted Massage

Use a dry massage or self-massage on problematic areas for a duration of five minutes. This promotes localized blood circulation in the specific spots.

Tip 3: Mask Application and Treatment

Along with the massage noted above, gently apply the NATURAL SEAWEED BODY MASK to the affected area, followed by a light massage. Allow the mask to remain on the skin for 15 to 20 minutes. Or apply SEAWEED BODY WRAPPING. WHOLE WET LEAVES for 30 to 40 minutes.

Then, rinse the mask off using a sequence of warm and cool water, refraining from the use of soap.

Tip 4: Consistent Application

Follow a consistent application schedule of 2 to 3 times per week over a four-week period. Yes, it works that well, that quickly!

Tip 5: Dietary Note

Refrain from carbs, including sugars, cakes, and cookies, to optimize results. We know - not always easy, but very beneficial!


For the recommended course of treatment, 2 to 4 jars of the  Seaweed Body Mask is recommended. You may purchase it conveniently from Amazon or take advantage of a discounted offer on our official website!

Bonus Suggestion: Enhanced Shower Routine

Upgrade your shower regimen by substituting regular shower gel with the Netu Me 30% Pure Seaweed Body Scrub. Beyond cleansing, this product provides improved metabolic processes within the subcutaneous layer due to its rich content of seaweed, crushed leaves, and kelp extract.